Where does Goreleck (or any other assisatant attorney general) get the legal authority to set policy and enact regulations dealing with national security issues? One would think that Reno and/or Clinton would have had to have signed-off on this wall that Gorelick created between Dept. Defense Intel and the FBI, particularly since the Dept. of Defense is not part of the Dept. of Justice.
If Goreleck had the power to unilaterally create this wall, why didn't Ashcroft remove the wall after President Bush was sworn in alamost 9 months before 09.11?
Is the "Gorelick Wall" still on the books today, and if so, why?
There is no Gorelick wall today. 9-11 changed a lot of things...President Bush and his team saw to that.
(It was not a law on the books, but some sort of regulation imposed by her, I believe. She might have pretended she was interpreting a law, and the wall was the result of her interpretation of it.) So if not a law passed by Congress, it could not survive in perpetuity just because it was put there by a Justice Dept. bigwig in a previous administration.
As for your question about procedures in the Dept. after Ashcroft finally got on board, and after his Deputies finally got on board - their confirmations happened quite late in the scheme of things I believe - I cannot answer that, but likely someone else can.
Did Reno and Clinton sign off on Gorelick's wall? I think we don't know and would like to know that.