I cannot speak for every woman, only for myself. A long time ago, when Abortion first became legal in NY State, my husband and I discussed this issue.
We decided that if I were ever raped, and became pregnant as a result, we would never abort an innocent life. If possible we would raise the baby as one of our own.
I would hope that others would at least let the innocent baby have a life, and put it up for adoption if they were not in a position to raise the baby as their own. This is a way of turning an ugly and montrous act of violence into something better than committing more violence.
I would not condemn someone who felt otherwise, but would ask them to think it through very carefully before choosing abortion.
Thank you for that Jacquej. That is exactly what I would do as well. Your comment of turning the monstrous into something beautiful is what makes it that much more right not to abort the child.