That is absolutely right. It's simple to spot a reckless driver--by *seeing* how he's *driving*. It shouldn't matter *why* he's driving recklessly; just get him off the road *regardless* of why. If you have to check somebody's breath or blood before you can determine if he's driving recklessly, then he ain't driving recklessly, period.
Not necessarily. It is easy to spot an erratic driver. A reckless driver could be driving straight as an arrow until he suddenly and without warning runs into the back of a carload of small children.
Reckless refers to the attitude of the driver, and not the objective manner in which he is driving.
You are confusing the term "reckless" with "erratic." Big Difference. A person can be driving straight as an arrow and be driving reckelssly. A person can also be driving erratically and not necessarily be driving recklessly at all.
Reckless driving does not mean weaving in a lane. Reckless driving is defined as driving indifferently to or disregardful of the consequences.
If you pour 4 beers down your gullet and get behind the wheel, then no matter how carefully and straight you are driving, IMO you are driving recklessly.