I agree with you. Who knows what or who was in these people's personal lives.
For all we know the "jersey girls" could have been women of mixed marriages (conservative husbands and liberal women). They could have been politically silent to further the husband's careers and their own lifestyle to which they had become accostomed.
Husband and Wife could have been die hard left wingers and this just adds more fuel to their blame america first mentality.
None of this changes the fact that Gorelicks wall KILLED people just as easily as any airplane. If she were in the private sector she would have been sued long before now.
Prior to the 9/11 commission hearings a couple years ago, I only had a vague idea of who Gorelick was, and I keep on top of this stuff. My hunch is that this Jersey girl doesn't really understand what the Gorelick memo did, and she certainly doesn't understand that the only reason it was ever written was to cover-up various Clintonista crimes.