I hate to say it, considering her sacrifice, but she doesn't seem to have time for the "little people" she's supposedly representing. I have a feeling she'd give an interview to Air America at any time, though. At the rate they're going they'll probably offer her a show.
Well, I'll say it. She has turned herself into a martyr for her own self aggrandizement. She likes to wallow in her self pity and expects to be treated with kid gloves because her son was killed. 1799 other mother's sons were killed and none of them have become a contemtemptable martyr who has become wrapped up in misdirected hate.
What she is doing is giving aid and comfort to those who believe that terrorism is a legitimate method of promotion of a wrapped ideological belief based on a false God.
Her son sacrificed. He is a hero.
When he gave everything for his country, she might also have been considered to have made a sacrifice for her country, but not now. The truth has become apparent.
Cindy Sheehan is just another liberal political cannibal, ghoulishly picking the bones of her hero son to promote her political agenda. She is utterly vile and contemptible.
Her son's memory deserves better than this, just as he certainly deserved a better mother.
She evidently cut out on Tony Snow this morning, cancelled on O'R Factor, and now this. She just isn't quick witted enough it seems to handle legitimate questions.
She is cracking up. Great television...
Her son sacrificed more than she'd care to know or understand. She's using her son's death as some sick, twisted, perverse excuse to uphold, cement and buttress her whacked leftist peacenik point of view.