Yeah, go least Kristinn was mentioned, though. lol
I pray that President Bush doesn't capitulate to the wacko Democrats and Peace groups that are telling him to meet with her!!!
Bill O'Reilly had her clone on tonight, and she made me just as mad as La Sheehan has!!!!
This and now she is changing her son's story too. Disgusting ... The party of HATE and liars. Par for the course ...
Didn't kerry's group, I can't remember the name of it, use people like this poor misguided lady to help bring about opposition to the Viet Nam war?
First we hear about "hanoi hussein traitor jane's" up and coming bus tour and now this. It just all feels like da-ja-vue (or how ever you spell it) to me.
[i]but she has been using her son's insurance money for living expenses[/i]
Using up the $$ from the death of her son to travel the country trashing the cause that he sacrificed his life for.
What a Mom! </sar>
I've changed my mind. My gripe isn't with Cindy Sheehan. It's with these idiots in the lamestream media who make her a heroine without looking into who she is or what she's said in the past. And who have never thought about whether it's a good idea to focus on antiwar protests while Americans are facing people intent on killing them.