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Grieving Calif Mother's War Protest Gains Momentum in Crawford (Freeper Quoted)
AP via Dateline Alabama ^
| Wednesday, August 10, 2005
| Angela K. Brown
Posted on 08/10/2005 5:26:36 PM PDT by kristinn
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To: kristinn
I find it hard to believe that anyone is paying attention to this broad's story. Boring. I wish the Libs would go back and make up some more stuff on the Plame thing. That was much more entertaining.
To: sgtbono2002
"Its funny how feces draws flies, If I took a crap on the side of the road it would draw flies too. These people being drawn to Sheehan are just political flies being drawn to the head turd."
Very effective and appropriate word-pictures there Sarge! ;^)
posted on
08/10/2005 5:49:08 PM PDT
To: kristinn
Cindy Sheehan blogs on Michael Moore's website. Her story has changed so much over the course of one year that she siomply has no credibility.
In fact it appears the only useful thing she's ever accomplished was giving birth to a young man who was willing to die for his country. I appreciate his service and honor his memory as opposed to her trampling on it. And I wonder how proud her son would be of her right now.
posted on
08/10/2005 5:49:40 PM PDT
To: kristinn; All
"He didn't agree with the war, Sheehan said.""Casey, was killed in Sadr City, Iraq, in April 2004 just five days after he arrived."
"Sheehan's father told the press in April 2004 that his son had re-enlisted the previous August(2003), planned to make a career in the military, and "loved the Army because it gave him a chance to serve his country."
To: Prime Choice
[i]but she has been using her son's insurance money for living expenses[/i]
Using up the $$ from the death of her son to travel the country trashing the cause that he sacrificed his life for.
What a Mom! </sar>
posted on
08/10/2005 5:49:58 PM PDT
To: kristinn
She is not grieving, she is preparing to write a book.
She is not a military mom, she is an antimilitary mom. Her left wing antiwar admonitions to her son were not heeded.
posted on
08/10/2005 5:50:01 PM PDT
(K.E. ; N.P . The wild winds of fortune will carry us onward)
To: GloriaJane
Didn't kerry's group, I can't remember the name of it, use people like this poor misguided lady to help bring about opposition to the Viet Nam war? Yes. Her name was Peg Mullen. Her son was killed in Vietnam in 1971. The story was eventually made into a book and made-for-TV movie called "Friendly Fire."
Then, just as now, the Left callously exploited a mother's grief for their own political ends.
posted on
08/10/2005 5:50:49 PM PDT
Prime Choice
(E=mc^3. Don't drink and derive.)
Comment #48 Removed by Moderator
To: operation clinton cleanup
The Waco Burnout(Branch Davidians) is only about 34 mile due east of the current encampment of moonbats.
posted on
08/10/2005 5:51:31 PM PDT
( Heaven on Earth is where the nearest Starbucks is 60 miles away.)
To: kristinn
"I felt compelled to come and tell her I support her," said Delaney, a self-described hippie from Sly Park, Calif. "The way they were badmouthing a mother whose son was killed in the war is un-American." That's a laugh. But we already know America has it's share of traitors.
posted on
08/10/2005 5:51:39 PM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the party of TREASON!)
To: kristinn
posted on
08/10/2005 5:51:39 PM PDT
(Proud to be an enemy of Islam (check out
To: Prime Choice
Your tagline is fabulous.
To: Jorge
One activist called her "the Rosa Parks of the anti-war movement." Just a guess, but I'm thinking Rosa wouldn't have been down with the Hussein boys' rape rooms for Shi'ite women.
posted on
08/10/2005 5:52:21 PM PDT
To: kristinn
"The way they were badmouthing a mother whose son was killed in the war is un-American."I'd badmouth the hell out of the Bi##h if this were not a family site...
So please simply imagine the likely toughts of a Vietnam veteran recently priveledged to witness the homecoming of at least three different groups of reservists/guardsmen at two US airports and remembering at the same time what it was like in '73.
Is ESAD a proper internet abbreviation?
posted on
08/10/2005 5:53:22 PM PDT
(new tagline pending)
To: maggief
She usually stays and eats meals with those who organize her speeches, but she has been using her son's insurance money for living expenses. The woman has no shame. She is tap dancing on her son's grave.
posted on
08/10/2005 5:53:29 PM PDT
(The Democratic Party is the party of TREASON!)
To: kristinn
"I said, 'I'll take you to Canada' ...
Now I know the woman is wacked out. There was no need to take her son to Canada as there is no draft and the military is all volunteer.
Does she not realize what she is saying and how daft it makes her look?
To: Conservative Firster
Her son had more courage and conviction than she is showing.
To: kristinn
Next time mention she is anti-Israel, aka anti-semitic.
posted on
08/10/2005 5:55:35 PM PDT
To: Cautor
I don't know about it surviving more news cycles...
The dems probably REALLY don't want the story about the pre-Bush intelligence that said that lawyers and officials in the MR. Clinton Administration screwed up a LOT more re: 9/11 than was previously known...
THEY aren't gonna want to talk about that!!! especially, Conyers and his gang that just held a "mock" hearing with Joe Wilson CINDY SHEEHAN, and others to try to hang Bush with the Downing Street Memos....LOLOLOLOL
posted on
08/10/2005 5:56:12 PM PDT
(Free Republic is #1!!!!!)
To: maggief
There's that pink color again....
posted on
08/10/2005 5:56:13 PM PDT
Albion Wilde
(Spade = spade.)
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