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Old enemies' wargames send a powerful message to the US
Times Online ^
| August 3, 2005
| Jane Macartney
Posted on 08/08/2005 7:29:02 PM PDT by Bald Eagle777
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I thought someone would have posted this already. I didn't see this posted, so here we go.
Russia needs the cash, and China wants the "goods", among many, many other factors.
To: Bald Eagle777
This is not a good sign.
Considering Communist nations lack the ability to create wealth, their need for new economic infusion comes via expansion.
I'm a little more suspect of Russia at this point. We know what we have in China, but Russia isn't too different (in their goals) IMHOP.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:32:27 PM PDT
To: Bald Eagle777
Wow it's nice that Russia and China are gearing up to provide our boys with some much-needed target practice.
To: Bald Eagle777
Just strategy? Or is it "the enemy of my enemy is my friend?"
posted on
08/08/2005 7:34:07 PM PDT
(This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
To: Bald Eagle777
posted on
08/08/2005 7:36:33 PM PDT
To: Boundless
Both nations already have the virus.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:39:25 PM PDT
(Molon Labe)
To: Bald Eagle777
Didn't the SCUD missile come from Russia? Didn't Russia hen-peck the Afghani's?
If this article was supposed to scare me it didn't. Russia is poor as dirt and its a shame. I guess China doesn't trust its own people well enough to make its own weapons in its own factories.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:39:32 PM PDT
Mrs. Shawnlaw
(Rock beats scissors. Don't run with rocks. NRA)
To: Bald Eagle777
That's right, we bad, we da man.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:40:27 PM PDT
(Team Infidel USA)
To: Bald Eagle777
They can structure this any way they want. We can still kick either - or both - of their butts.
Both of their militaries are decades behind us.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:40:59 PM PDT
(Molon Labe)
To: Bald Eagle777
Seriously, this is kinda like Archie Bunker and Gloria Steinem doing a duet.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:41:55 PM PDT
(Team Infidel USA)
To: Sender
No point in grousing around the facts, eh?
posted on
08/08/2005 7:43:21 PM PDT
(Molon Labe)
To: Boundless
The Avian flu should be the least of their problem. What they have to worry about is whether or not the chi-coms are infected with the Ebola Recombinant.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:45:55 PM PDT
processing please hold
(Islam and Christianity do not mix ----9-11 taught us that)
To: datura
> We can still kick either - or both - of their butts.
Plus, Taiwan has mined the Straight with billions of
latent Alka-Seltzer tablets. As soon as the invasion
forces reaches mid-way ...
... fizzzzz ...
resulting in a drop in seawater density, and the
whole Chinese Navy goes under.
To: datura
Hi datura,
Both of their militaries are decades behind us.I agree.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:47:11 PM PDT
processing please hold
(Islam and Christianity do not mix ----9-11 taught us that)
To: Bald Eagle777
They will lead with their Attack Small Submarines.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:47:22 PM PDT
(Light a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day; light him on fire, he'll be warm the rest of his life)
To: Bald Eagle777
We should send our own message to our "most favored nation". How about instantly revalue their currency a minimum of 25% or keep the junk you flood our markets with? How about those cheap third rate automobiles you just got approved to sell over here? Keep em.
China right now doesn't have the military recourses or infrastructure to stand up to us. We need to regrow our own industry and and cut off any country that sells to China. I mean any country. We don't outsource to them, we don't cooperate militarily, either with training or joint research and development and we block their crappy products.
I don't know about you guys but I am seriously sick to death with our Demicans and Republicrats maneuvering us into world war three forty years down the line. There is no long term plan for America in Washington, there is only a global plan. I like America and don't want to support the international community (including our two continents) anymore. Anyone who wants to go against us should have to logically follow their actions to loss of American support. We the people are getting sold down the river on most issues foreign and domestic by these sellout politicians.
Sorry about the rant but I say bring back the Wig (sp?) party and lets flush all the sellout worthless traitorous politicians!
posted on
08/08/2005 7:48:44 PM PDT
To: pbrown
> The Avian flu should be the least of their problem.
> What they have to worry about is whether or not the
> chi-coms are infected with the Ebola Recombinant.
That's why I called it the mystery virus. That avian
flu thread I referenced has morphed into tracking
who knows what that's going on over there.
Even so, H5N1 avian is pretty nasty all by itself.
To: Bald Eagle777
China-Russian alliance has been in the works since the US-led NATO war against Yugoslavia. The Clinton apologists like to claim that there was no downside to that war but always fail to mention that it was that war that pushed Russian and China into each others arms.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:50:03 PM PDT
To: Boundless
Even so, H5N1 avian is pretty nasty all by itself.That it is.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:54:17 PM PDT
processing please hold
(Islam and Christianity do not mix ----9-11 taught us that)
To: Bald Eagle777
eroding decades of dominance by WashingtonPresumably Jane believes that Washington dominated Asia decades ago, right after America's leftist elites insisted upon abandoning Vietnam.
posted on
08/08/2005 7:54:37 PM PDT
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