You could be paying $6.70 a gallon in Norway. Gas is still cheap by historic standards. Be glad you're living in America.
who cares what gas costs in a tiny country whose people have no where to go?
"You could be paying $6.70 a gallon in Norway. Gas is still cheap by historical standards. Beglad you live in America"
A)I am proud to live in America and love my country very much.
B)I givew not one SH-T about historical gas prices.
C) I DONT live in Norway, thus I don't give a SH-T what their gas prices are.
I do that every day, no matter what the price of gas is. {{starts humming "America the Beautiful"}}
You could be paying $6.70 a gallon in Norway. Gas is still cheap by historic standards. Be glad you're living in America.
Does this oil/gas come from Norway or do they import it?Point being we don't have to be paying higher prices. If the tree huggers would stop their B.S. we wouldn't be importing as much oil or paying more for special summer blends of gas. you can't compare our situation to Norway's.