School start dates are set by the school boards, who are elected by the people. Change the school board if you don't like what they are doing.
In Flordia the reason for early starts is to give more time for the FCAT. The school boards asked the FCAT board to change the test date. In the fashion of typical power hungry beuracrats, they refused. The response from the school boards was to achieve the same thing by starting earlier. It has nothing to do with the unions!
Technically, you are correct...but the SCHOOL BOARD
also has limitations on its decisions.
I taught in the public High school for 30+ years
before retiring in '92. It seemed we started
earlier every year. I said, Soon, I'll be in
this building on my birthday, 8/23. Well, the
kids here made that date for the last three
years now. Thanks to a referendum, the kids now
complain about their classrooms being COLD instead
of hot since the air conditioning was installed.
But...before I retired, I asked straight out:
WHY do we start school so early every year when
there have been NO strikes, NO foul weather causing
closings, etc. Are you ready for the answer?
The State Athletic Association, which governs intermural
sports, dictates that school must be in session 3 weeks
before the first competitions between schools can begin!
The only schools NOT subject to that rule are the
parochial schools. So it's SPORTS, baby! The schools
make quite a bit on those gate tickets, they spend
a lot more on uniforms, floor/ground upkeep, equipment
needed for the sport, coach and assts coaches salaries,
hired refs, u name it!