When the EO is decreed, for six months NO ONE can change the order, no Governor, not Congress, nor the President.
From the article:
The most shining example of America to the world has been its peaceful transition of government from one administration to another. Despite crises of great magnitude, the United States has maintained its freedom and liberty.
This nation now stands on the threshold of rule by non-elected people asserting non-Constitutional powers.
Even Congress cannot review a Martial Law action until six months after it has been declared. For the first time in American history, the reigns of government would not be transferred from one elected element to another.
The Constitution of the United States will be "suspended". The same Constitution that many of us swore to "support and defend against all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC".
g'nite ping :)
The Constitution of the United States will be "suspended". The same
Constitution that many of us swore to "support and defend against all
enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC".<<<<<<<<<
I am one of those who felt that clinton would use this law to stop the election and the action to get him out of the White House.
He had everything in place and was ready.
I often wonder why he didn't at the last minute?
It is pretty clear that his groupies thought they were there to stay, when they had to leave, they trashed the White House and Air Force one, stole all they could and did all the mischief they could, right up to the last minute.