Cintra is from Spain. They have done projects in Canada. If that is any guide, they raped the Canadians with their pants on. Cintra is not a leading edge of some globalist, Trilateral Commission one world conspiracy, they are merely a very good, very greedy company looking to take advantage of gov't budget shortfalls and gig commuters, shippers and consumers of the products shipped for every dime they can get, and they have a lot more experience at the game than the state officials they are offering budgetary salvation to.
Key provision in Cintra's contract will give them veto over state expenditures to improve or even adequately maintain the existing parallel I-35. In short order, it will come to one's choices will be to run an increasingly pot-holed obstacle course on old I-35, or pay roughly $60 one way going Austin-Dallas.
This starts to look like it will really fly, our only protection will be to hedge by buying stock in Cintra, that should go up like a rocket.
But what about the constitutional guarentee of free movement?
Thats why the government was tasked to build roads, so they could be used by everyone, and it was agreed that free roads promote commerce and economic well-being.
The shift to foreign companies owning and charging tolls is a bad thing for america, for freedom of mobility and for our economic well-being.
The transnational corridors harm our security as well, because if they are controlled by a foreign entity, any attempts to make them secure could be considered a "barrier to trade" among the "free traders" of the world, and they won't let soveriegn nations create "barriers to trade" doncha know.
You hit the nail on the head. With an apathetic electorate to let them in, its the proverbial fox in the henhouse.