Oh how I love Amateur Hour at the Random Bible Verse Generator...
First, the verses from Isaiah is about the terrible things that would happen to Israel at the hands of the conquering Babylonians because of their wickedness. What's your point?
Second, the verse from Genesis is talking about wicked things that were done and that is exactly how it is presented, as sin. What's your point?
Third, the verse from Leviticus does indeed constitute God setting up a system of economic servitude. What's your point?
The very fact that you find moral objection to raping, baby slaughter, slavery, etc. is exactly my point. What's that based on? Darwinism? You want to tell me how the right to life, the notion of the sanctity of human life, of private property, or anything else derives from a meaningless, random (oh, sorry, undirected) distribution of matter and energy over time?
Why does life have any more value than non-life? Why does human life have any more value than other life? Why does private property have value?
Go ahead, this dumabass creationist is waiting...
Or do you want to go back to your Random Out-of-All-Context Bible Verse Generator for Secular Dummies?
You mean, raping and murder, in the way God commanded the Israelites to do to the Midianites?
We evolved a tendency to treat our fellow human beings as creatures like ourselves because it's to our advantage to be able to understand them and predict how they'll act, and the best model we have of others is ourselves. We treat them well because we expect that reciprocally they'll treat us well. There is a basic evolutionary reason for moral behavior.
Having said that, we are not bound by evolution in constructing systems of ethics. Just because something is natural, doesn't mean it's right. We can found ethics on reason and logic, although we would be foolish to entirely ignore our own nature in doing so, as Christianity so often does in its strictures relating to sex.
A man with so much talent from God and you passed over #162. Surely you can show how God and science are wrong and your:
" "The Bible clearly teaches that Death entered the world after Sin, which started with Man."
Canon 1 of the Council of Orange is refuted by God Himself in John 9 and prior to that Ezek 8. Does Paul overrule God?
jbloedow, you clearly reject the TOE. I'm curious whether you subscribe to any alternative theory about the origin or history of species, the origin of the cosmos, etc. Do you solely adhere to Genesis as both theological AND scientific explanation or do you reference some other text that provides a comprehensive explanation of the origin of things in scientific parlance? I'm genuinely curious.