What do you mean? The Atkins diet has been around for over 30 years, so it can hardly be called a fad diet. And what evidence do you have that it's damaging to the body?
Personally, I have never tried the Atkins diet. I believe in the "everything in moderation" philosophy. Too much of anything can be bad, but there is no denying that a low-carb, low-sugar diet is healthy. I prefer to look at it as a more all-natural diet--that is, staying away from processed ingredients like high-fructose corn syrups, artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, etc.
Everything in moderation? Wife-beating in moderation? How about murdering innocent people in moderation? Guess I find the "everything in moderation" very curious indeed. :-)
"Everything in moderation" is a very solid philosphy to have - unless you have an abused body, like most obese people. Lo-carb is one way to overcome the out-of-kilter systems obese people have, I think moderate carbs for the obese would simply maintain the weight they have.
What very few "get" (and I'm not saing you) is drastically reduced carbs (40 grams a day, no sugar no flour no milk) is for weight loss - maintainance lo-carb allows more - thus, moderation.
The common misconception is lo-carb means NO-carb, which simply isn't true.