To: WestCoastGal
This is a miracle!! Indeed.
Sort of hard to believe as it still seems a bit early for that kind of statement.
Expect the worst and pray for the best.
622 posted on
08/02/2005 3:18:57 PM PDT by
(The Constitution only guarantees the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.)
To: michigander
I was away from the computer but watching on TV.
The first pictures looked like no one could have survived. I'm guessing the fire did not erupt immediately giving them time to use the slides to get out. It is a big jump out of one of those if you chose to go out that way!!
645 posted on
08/02/2005 3:25:55 PM PDT by
(Junebugism: "There is definitely a lot to it that will be understood down the road as it unfolds") is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson