You people accept the government party line with blind faith. Do you people not realize that 9-11 itself would not have been acknowledged unless it was ablsolutely 100% obvious? If there had been just the one plane, don't you udnerstand that the government would have said it was 'pilot error' or a 'suicidal pilot'.
AND YOU WOULD HAVE BELIEVED IT!! You would also have attacked all people who questioned this party line.
You newbies (including moderators) are a disgrace to the Free Republic site. You attack anyone who questions the party line. You do not attack his statements directly however. You are only upset that he does not agree with the party line.
I laugh at your foolishness --- but I am scared that you people would have fit in so well in Stalinist Russia.
Please get off of Free Republic now.
Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning?
"You need a rest."
Yes, FR would be much better off if we were all like you. Nighty night Gracy.
Can't find the exit, huh?
You've got issues, dude.
Kook alert
Of course, there are also conspiracy wingnuts who say the government planned 9-11 all along so they could take away our liberties. I guess conspiracy-mongers can have it both ways.
You newbies (including moderators) are a disgrace to the Free Republic site.
You're the one doing the conspiracy two-step at the very onset of a news cycle. I would think that during your tenure here, you would have realized there is a lot of fog at the beginning of a news event. I guess not. Maybe you could learn something from the newbies you're disparaging.
Oh, and as for the moderators? They don't need this kind of crap from old-timers who should know better.
You are a very strange person.
Why do you suppose the Candian Government did not allow any helicopter press coverage of the incident?
Well, DUH. Why do you think Freepers are unaware of that?