To: Larry Lucido
"Airbus, huh? " Must be the brother of the Airbus whose computer landed it in trees at a Paris airshow a few years ago.
This one just didn't want to take off.
265 posted on
08/02/2005 2:19:16 PM PDT by
(Strategery + Shardenfreuden = Stratenshardenfreudenery)
To: spokeshave
Grow up.
If the same condiditons happened to a Boeing, Dougless, or Lockheed plane, the same thing would happen.
280 posted on
08/02/2005 2:21:33 PM PDT by
Central Scrutiniser
(Apply generously to sunburned or irritated skin as needed)
To: spokeshave
Must be the brother of the Airbus whose computer landed it in trees at a Paris airshow a few years ago.Oh, get a grip.
286 posted on
08/02/2005 2:22:17 PM PDT by
(The world needs a wake up call gentlemen...we're gonna phone it in.)
To: spokeshave
297 posted on
08/02/2005 2:24:05 PM PDT by
al baby
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