The transcript of interview last night with Nancy Grace:
GRACE: Hi, dear. Thanks for being with us. Now, were you there that night at Carlos and Charlie`s?
WEATHERLY: Yes, ma`am. I was there.
GRACE: What did you see? Did you see Joran Van Der Sloot there?
WEATHERLY: Actually, Natalee -- I was with Natalee. We were all together, dancing, and Natalee was only with Joran towards the end of the night. But I did pass him. I didn`t really even notice him. And that was it.
GRACE: So when you saw him later in the evening with Natalee, what were they doing?
WEATHERLY: I didn`t see him later in the night with Natalee. I saw him in passing, and that was it.
GRACE: OK. How was Natalee that evening?
WEATHERLY: She appeared fine. She wasn`t acting out of control or anything so...
GRACE: Did you see her when she left?
WEATHERLY: No, I did not see her.
GRACE: Had you already left?
WEATHERLY: Well, Carlos and Charlie`s closed at 1:00 o`clock, and when it closed, everyone was getting in taxis at the same time and it was really chaotic. And I got in a taxi, and everyone just thought that everyone would get home OK. There were so many people leaving at one time, it was just...
GRACE: OK. Hold on. Am I getting Claire Fierman yet, Elizabeth (ph)? OK. I`m hearing...
GRACE: Hey, Claire.
GRACE: Claire, did you see Joran Van Der Sloot that evening?
FIERMAN: Did I see him? I`m sorry, I -- (INAUDIBLE) breaking up. No, I`ve never seen him. I wasn`t at Carlos and Charlie`s, and I`d never seen him -- I`ve never seen him ever.
GRACE: Claire, when did you realize Natalee was not there to return home?
FIERMAN: The next morning, I was on an earlier flight than everybody else, and Francis Ellen (ph), one of our friends, came and found me and Katherine in the airport and told us that Natalee wasn`t flying home, that they did not know where she was.
GRACE: But to Katherine Weatherly. Katherine, when did you realize that Natalee wasn`t there to return home?
WEATHERLY: I realized the same time as Claire, actually, but at the time, we thought maybe she slept in. We didn`t -- I mean, we were very concerned, but we thought...
GRACE: What did you do?
WEATHERLY: ... she would be coming home. We -- well, we had to get on the plane immediately after that, and we got on the plane...
GRACE: Nobody tried to call her?
WEATHERLY: Oh, yes. People -- we were getting -- her cell phone was in her room at the time. She didn`t take her cell phone with her.
GRACE: Did you try and call her before you got on the plane?
WEATHERLY: No. We knew that she didn`t have her cell phone with her, so there was no point in calling, if she -- because -- well, they -- I wasn`t there when they realized that she was missing. I was told in the airport. But I know that other people did, and -- but realized that she didn`t have her phone with her.
GRACE: Why would anybody know she didn`t have her phone with her?
WEATHERLY: Because they saw her phone in the hotel room. She hadn`t taken it out with her that the night.
GRACE: OK. It just seems to me that everybody keeps their cell phone with them. Why wouldn`t she have it that morning? But you`re telling me people did try to call her, right?
WEATHERLY: No. Well, no. They -- no. They didn`t -- everyone knew -- when the next morning that her cell phone was there. I was just saying that we would have tried to call her. I don`t know if people actually did try and call her or not, but the people that were in her room knew that she hadn`t had her phone that night.
GRACE: Right. Right.
First she says she was with Natalee and didn't see her with Joran until the end of the night. Then she says she never saw Natalee with Joran, just in passing.
Be sure and read the confusion about the cell phone. It is remarkable.
I thought there was confusion in the questioning and the breaking up of the connection. It seems, in reading the interview, that the girls had in their minds what they wanted to say. And that at the airport everyone knew nat was missing and her cell was in the room.
And I think she was saying she saw Joran and saw him and Nat dancing, but didn't go talk to them.
I kind of think it is a difficult thing for a teen to be interviewed by phone by Nancy Grance and answer questions. People who are not used to it do stammer, studder and come off as not articulate.
But how is that suspicious, do you have an idea of how they are related to the crime of the evening?
I also after rereading, realized that she was telescoping what she personally knew and what she had been told. I think she was told that nat was with Joran later in the evening, she knew from what she was told that they left together. She didn't see it. And I think at the airpport she was told nat was missing and that the cell was in the room. So she didn't call.
It was a confusing disjointed interview via phone with connection breaking up so it came across that way.