Darwinists can never make their point without low blows and cheap shots. If they really had facts to back up their theory, they wouldn't need to do that.
Dan, some may teach science as faith, but we must only teach faith as grace from God.
The problem as I see it is making the whole issue one of if there is a God, evolution can't be true and if evolution is true, we don't need God.
However, we who do have faith know that all things are from God. If the evidence points to eliptical orbits of planets, the earth orbiting the sun while rotating on its orbit, and the evolution of species on this planet, then we know it is of God and from God.
All too often I hear words from Christians that ought to only come from atheists:"if you believe evolution, you don't believe in God." How many of the "weaker brothers" do we cause to stumble over this block?