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To: elbucko

Ahh....the whole article is specious at best.

It is predicated on the person 'waking up' from a too small dose of Thiopental before he's dead.

Give him more thiopental, and the problem is taken care of...not to mention that within 45 seconds of cardiac arrest the lack of blood flow to the brain will render him amnesic anyway.

As someone who has administered a LOT of thiopental, I can tell you that even with a commonly accepted anesthetic induction dose of about 4-5 mg/kg (and I would bet they give even more) that the person would not be remembering anything for at least 15 minutes (in all likelihood longer) and in that time the person would be dead from the potassium and induced cardiac arrest.

87 posted on 08/01/2005 11:13:07 AM PDT by Ethrane ("semper consolar")
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To: Ethrane
Ahh....the whole article is specious at best.

I thought as much. It's just the ACLU attempting to cause the death penalty to be considered cruel and unusual and therefore, unconstitutional, regardless of the total absence of pain and suffering. The Left likes to amend the Constitution without amending it.

What you had to say about anesthesia before euthanasia was interesting. I am around a number of horses, livestock, working dogs and barn cats and I always ask the vet to anesthetize the animal that is going to be put down. Some complain that its not necessary, but I don't care. I've seen a few botched put-downs and it ain't pretty. It's worth the extra step to avoid a cruel end. Like I posted to the veterinarian, even the worst of human scum should be executed with the utmost care to avoid pain and suffering so that the victims will receive the justice due, even if its not as cruel as the crime. AAMF, I believe that only a truly just and civilized society has capital punishment. Especially for treason.

110 posted on 08/01/2005 5:14:25 PM PDT by elbucko
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