The press is all asking why would Bush recess appoint someone that has NO diplomatic skills...
Why did he recess appoint, instead of giving the dems all of the records they were requesting...Scott saying it was Senate dems that were playing politics..
Why appoint someone as recess, when they have a relatively short time to be there....Scott: First of all the UN is back in session in Sept..and there are a lot of changes to be made,
What does this send to corporate America that President would appoint someone who is "not qualified" for the position...what are American workers to think that an unqualified person would get this kind of job..Scott: Bolton had been confirmed 4 other times...
What do you say about Kennedy saying that Bolton was involved in the CIA coverup of the Plame issue...Scott: That does not involve Bolton...and was taken care of last week...
Bolton is proud of his hard charging style, will the president be okay with that...Scott: Bush has all confidence in him...
Does the President worry about backlash against Roberts..Scott: Haven't heard any thing like that out of Senate, yet.
Has the President contacted Sen. Voinivich about
Scott: The president has reached out to all Senators, and beleives that the majority of the senate is in favor of Bolton...
Thanks so much for the recap.
The Bolton nomination is so inside-the-beltway. The MSM will try hard to whip up some kind of frenzy, but it's going to get a big yawn from the man and woman in the street.