There's NO excuse for you even to BITCH you need to VENT why is it your not crying to the sacred brethren of the DU ? 2.41 for a gallon of gas are you kidding me ? would you like to pay 5 or 6 for a liter ?
YOU blame Bush for an illegal WAR ? so just when were you planning on converting to ISLAM ? right about the time they were gonna cut your FOOL HEAD OFF ?
Remaining 40% you better count again WE won the elections BOTH OF THEM you lost your a loser you will always be a loser as far as calling someone an ass clown maybe you should go back to the DU and try to pull the organ grinders you love so much out of YOUR ASS along with the assorted rodents who occupy most of that site
Nazi ? oh thats original about as original as the Democrat play book you guys are always espousing to and spouting off the democrats might have a shot at congress if they weren't led by such inept leaders
Pure Evil ? pure evil is the terrorist organizations you people love to protect so much as far as being blind our eyes are wide open they were partially opened during the great Clinton administration if it hadn't been for him Bin Laden and your other friends would not have had the chance to hit America
Karl Rove in Jail ? man it must be really hard being that jealous of someone smarter than you are Karl did his homework on you communist loving bastards and HE BEAT YOU AT YOUR OWN GAME and yet he did it without CHEATING like you guys love to do .
I hope this makes you FEEEEEL better NOT !I hope you just crawl back under the rock you came from BETTER STILL keep whining really LOUD because when you people are whining you usually lying as well and EVERYONE CAN SEE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE ....A ROTTEN PATHETIC LOSER !
Glad we had this chance to chat now be ZOTTED and have a nice day .....LOSER
Next time don't hold back and tell the SOB what you really think! ;>)