Finally. And yes, I agree with the judge for the sentencing decision, but not the reasons he gave.
Now, follow me here: supposing you are an alcoholic walking around doing your alcoholic thing and decide, "This has gotten pretty old. I lost the wife, the kids, my job, all the money and they kicked me off the bowling team. I gotta quit this." Should the guy rely on will power alone or seek help through AA or the medical community?
I'm all for trying anything that might work. Scientifically the highest success rate comes from within, so they should try that first, middle, and last. AA and the medical community have a high failure rate, and often prolong the misery by shifting blame all over. If AA were a drug, the FDA would not approve it due to lack of efficacy. Changing our culture to not give drinkers so many excuses and outs would go a long way in helping them.