Unofficial results. Updated at 12:28:46 a.m. on 07-27-05. MAYOR - UNEXPIRED TERM 721 of 721 precincts 100.0 percent DONNA FRYE 104872 43.32% JERRY SANDERS 65399 27.01% STEVE FRANCIS 56887 23.50% PAT SHEA 5720 2.36% RICHARD RIDER 3756 1.55% MYKE SHELBY 3533 1.46% SHAWN A. MC MILLAN 561 0.23% JIM BELL 473 0.20% ED KOLKER 415 0.17% JEREMY LEDFORD 378 0.16% THOMAS KNAPP 98 0.04% PROP A - Mt. Soledad Veteran Memorial Property (REQ 2/3) 721 of 721 precincts 100.0 percent YES 179820 75.90% NO 57107 24.10% There are approximately 24300 Absentee / Provisional ballots still to be counted.
Yeah, sure. She plays dumb or outright lies when questioned about union financing of her campaigns. How open and ethical is that?
As "insiders", her and Sanders were the two worst choices. I don't think much is going to change until someone stands up to the public unions and I don't think either of these two will.