Yes but - Clinton gave us NAFTA, and Bush is about to give us CAFTA. Who wants to join me in a phone campaign to ask Virgil Goode REP VA(former Democrat) to start a new party for the American worker. Virgil is now a Repug but is totally against this bill.
The CAFTA proponents insist this will create huge trade markets with South America by opening up these markets to U.S. commerce - among which U.S. Agriculture would be one of the largest benefactors.
That is the theory. That was also the theory and justification for NAFTA.
It is VOODOO on steroids laced with LSD and heroin.
There is definitely room in the American political spectrum for a culturally conservative party that will fight for American jobs and sovereignty. It would combine Blacks and the Religious Right. Sure, it would exclude the sodomites and libertarians but electorally, who really needs them ?
Look at what is happenning now. A solid wall of corporate lobbyist money is behind CAFTA. Who is on the other side ? The American people. Even if we lose this could be the Panama Canal Treaty fight that galvanizes a force that will take American politics.
But they both gave us the SHAFTA.