regarding a 1998 trip by Gabon President Omar Bongo to the United States. Apparently, the Gabonese hired Wilsons second wife Jacqueline as a lobbyist in support of the trip. Another who worked with her was the famous Pierre Salinger
"-In 1985 Wilson returned to the USA to work in Tom Foleys and Al Gores offices. He married Jacqueline in 1986."
What is the source of the info you posted? It either contradicts other reports or fills in her later timeline we were wondering about on another thread.
Wilson's second wife, Jacqueline, was FRENCH! From the infamous Vanity Fair profile of the Wilsons: Burundi, Wilson met his second wife, then the cultural counselor at the French Embassy there.That was approximately 1986. Wilson was married to her for 12 years.
I think she is/was a French intelligence agent and I think she compromised Wilson (perhaps he was a willing conspirator).
Was it just a coincidence when Wilson met Plame at that Washington cocktail party? According to Vanity Fair, he and Jacqueline spent a year in Washington in the mid-80's when he worked for Gore and Foley. They then moved back to Africa and the article goes on with his career...but I haven't read anywhere what SHE did in the intervening years.
Where did all Wilson's money come from? As tells Vanity Fair that, as recently as 1998, he "decided to retire and go into the private sector because 'we wanted to have kids, and felt that it had become very difficult to live off two government salaries.'" So, up till '98 money was tight. Then all of a sudden he's living in an expensive house with a view of the capital, driving around in his expensive convertible, sporting expensive watches....etc. But, as far as I know, no one has ever asked him about the source of his newfound fortune. Isn't it common for the CIA to be curious about sudden good fortune where their agents' families are concerned?
Is it a coincidence that Wilson was married to a (likely) French operative for 12 years, gets sent to an African country with significant French control, and then gets involved in a controversy over alleged FRENCH forgeries?
Bottom line: I think Wilson is a spy for the French. That could explain where his wealth came from. I haven't decided whether I think Valerie is a willing participant or a dupe. I do hope Fitzpatrick is looking into this angle.
Does anyone know if Wilson has even testified before the grand jury?