But it IS a "western problem," for the specific reason that islamofascism has been a relentless global movement against the west, against Judeo-Christian civilization for the past 1,400 years. Their quest for a final "Caliphate" which will literally OWN the planet has never ceased.
Historically, they have chosen their times to move, and other times to remain quiescent. Now is one of the "forward" drives. They plan to win. They are attacking the west, western countries and primarily aiming at America. That is why it IS our problem - a western problem.
Islamofascism is as much our problem as Hitler's Nazism was our problem, and Imperial Japan was our problem. Same devil, dressed up in new clothes.
Whether the "moderates" conduct a reform within Islam or not, we can't sit around wondering if they will or not. Our very survival should not (and WILL NOT) depend upon some possible renaissance and reformation of a 1,400 year old blood-and-death cult.
Our survival in WWII didn't depend upon a possible scenario where Hitler's "moderates" would convince him that a "Third Reich lasting 1,000 years" was a bad idea.......or some Japanese "insiders" convincing Hirohito that he wasn't really a god, and that conquering the planet for the glory of "The Empire of the Sun" wasn't "do-able."
It is the same thing now.
We must defeat islamofascism totally, utterly and convincingly. We can't sit back and say, "Well, it's not our problem. The moderates will have to rein in the crazies." By the very nature of Islam, that will never EVER happen. It is therefore up to us to destroy this monster.
What I meant was that the moral responsibility for terrorism lies within Islam itself. The religion, its holy books, and its traditions are a bottomless well for terrorists to draw buckets of violence and innocent blood from.
Only Muslims can cap off that well at its source. The west can only deal with the effects.