To: Leapfrog; Publius6961; Stellar Dendrite
... thus down goes the thread... LOL! you guys are a trip. But keep on posting the insults, just shows the mindset of tancredo fans(bots).
183 posted on
07/24/2005 6:59:35 PM PDT by
( anyone who believes hillary would do something to stop illegal immigration is believing gibberish)
To: Dane
I'm beginning to think that you don't even like cheese.
(I like cheese.)
Have you hugged YOUR Muslim today?
186 posted on
07/24/2005 7:04:49 PM PDT by
Michael Goldsberry
(an enemy of islam -- Joe Boucher; Leapfrog; Dr.Zoidberg; Lazamataz; ...) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson