"I was just using that as an analogy - suppose we had no immigration issue with mexico - no one was coming here from mexico. then what would border security be for?"
What do you mean by "no immigration issue with mexico?"
But anyway, this is not the case - we do have immigration issues with Mexico and the rest of the third world who's allowed to pour their unwanted, undesirable elements into our country. Legal immigration is a bigger issue than illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a short-term problem, hopefully, while legal immigration is a critical long-term, state-sanctioned issue. Illegal immigrants shoul be deported to their respective countries and should not have been allowed to enter through our lax borders. Legal immigration laws must be changed to what they were prior to the paasge of the '65 Immigration Act.
I said SUPPOSE. Suppose the purpose of border security with mexico had nothing to do with illegal immigration - suppose Mexico was an economic shangri-la and no one was crossing into the US. what then would be the purpose of border security with Mexico? national security. so if we apply the same "odds maker" theory, we wouldn't need any of it, since the chances of catching a terrorist crossing is small.