I get the same impression, although I won't speak as if I've read much of Roberts' stuff. From the little I've seen, he seems a solidly pro-property jurist, but in the same vein as Rehnquist, he will likely continue to expand police powers. His take on federalism is untested insofar as an appellate judge has to rule based on the law set forth above, but it's hard to imagine any 'brilliant' judge would be as inconsistent as a Rehnquist or O'Connor there. Again, we know only a little of what he really thinks.
I remain positive, however, about the Republic's prospects with this nominee. Even if he is 100% a clone of Rehnquist, Roberts is absolutely better than another O'Connor, and certainly better than replacing the witch with an uncertain appointee like Clements. Things seem to be looking up, especially (as noted above) because the affirmative action politics of race and sex based appointments seem to have been ignored here. And AMEN to that.
And better than a democrat nominee. I agree with your guarded enthusiasm. I don't think this guy is a choice worth gushing over, but then, some folks just like to gush.