Of course it doesn't, you doofus. The idea is ridiculous on the surface. "Gay marriage," by definition, is an Unding ("non-thing").
Now the Bible does talk about homosexuality, and condemns it, in both testaments. And the Bible does say a lot about marriage, but that is always between a man and a woman.
Howie, I can see that your doctorate is not in theology. Guess what? The one I'm closing in on, is. A Ph.D. in Biblical Studies. And it is obvious you don't know what you're talking about.
But then, you left a church over a bike path. Instead, you should be worried about which church teaches the one true path to God. Read John 14:6 for a clue.
Dean's PhD = Piled high & Deep.
I'll bet the people in the audience and watching TV just CRINGED when he said that - "Oh no. He did it AGAIN! Shut up, Dean, you idiot!"