As I was leaving her chambers one of her clerks who had heard this story made some snide remark about my having given up my seat to my hero Ted Kennedy.
I didn't correct him, and I didn't get the job. I've always wondered if my failure to point out to this clown that the point of my story was that I didn't want to give my seat to to Ted Kennedy or Chris Dodd, but that I did so as a courtesy to the young ladies I was with so that one of them didn't have to give up her seat, cost me a chance to clerk with a Fifth Circut Justice. If she gets throught I will have to wonder if it cost me a chance to work for a future Supreme Court Justice.
What's the moral? :-}
"I didn't correct him, and I didn't get the job. I've always wondered if my failure to point out to this clown that the point of my story was that I didn't want to give my seat to to Ted Kennedy or Chris Dodd, but that I did so as a courtesy to the young ladies I was with so that one of them didn't have to give up her seat"
Which was the correct thing to do. You should never regret it. If her clerk is that shallow, you didn't miss much of a job.