Muslims- masters at moral relativism when it suits their purposes.
"The media in the West are mixing the difference between these two, the result is that some of our Muslim youth are becoming more frustrated and they think that both are the same, even though Muslim law forbids killing any innocent lives," Musawi said.
Translation: It's not the fault of the homicide bombers, it's the fault of the awful westerners who are driving them to do it. And when they say that it's wrong to kill innocent people, what they don't tell you is that NOBODY from a non-muslim country is innocent (except for the few muslims that are there). If they whack a few muslims in the attack, no problem, they're going to the highest level in heaven as martyrs.
The muslims have an advanced victimhood complex. They're convinced that every non-muslim hates them, victimizes them, and that's why they're living in the sorry standard of living that they are. It's quickly becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy. The more they act out, the more western societies and governments are going to get sick of their whiny victimhood garbage and hit them back.