Well it won't happen. So it is just a mindless blanket statement of hate.
The people replying to you obviously have no notion of who these hooligans are.
The organised hooligan wing of the BNP and National Front is an organisation known as Combat 18. The 18 component in the name derives from the Adolf Hitler's initials being depicted numerically (1st and 8th letter of the alphabet) which gives an idea of where they're coming from.
Be sure that while their focus may well be on muslims, they won't make too much distinction between their quarry and any Hindu, black or Jew they find along the way. In short they are Neo-nazi proponents of Himmler's theory of racial superiority.
Hate? No, not really. One of my regular prayers is thet the followers of Islam will see the light and follow the way of Christ. Christ said to turn the other cheek, but did not say to submit to being murdered. The cheek has been turned too many times without changing the hearts of the enemy. What we must do, we must also sincerely regret.