If you want to compare North and South before, during, and after the rebellion, then I'll agree that racism was prevalent in both regions. But the worst you can say is that Blacks in the North were treated almost as badly as Blacks in the south were treated.
...AND that MORE northern schools are NOW racially SEGREGATED than was EVER the case in dixie...
So you keep blathering.
especially given the "miles of dead Negroes, decorating every lamp-pole" after the NY Draft Riots
Utter nonsense.
it is no coincidence that the National HQ of the KKK is in OH = damnyankeeland.
A complete falsehood. There are any number of Klan organizations in this country, the overwhelming majority of which are headquartered in the south.
we have discussed this before.
reference "miles of dead Negroes", go argue with the NY Post of the next day after it HAPPENED.
we KNOW you don't want to admit what RACIST, hateFILLED, arrogant filth the DAMNyankee elitest ARE & have always been, but what i posted is incontrovertible FACT!
free dixie,sw