Now you're just being silly. The rebel troops that surrendered at Appomattox with Lee and in North Carolina with Johnston and yes, in Texas were parolled by the federal authorities after their commanding officers had surrendered. They lost, they were whipped. Deal with it.
In your own mind, Yank. You've got to stop believing your own propaganda, it'll rot your brain.
I realize that the truth is unplesant to you but that can't be helped.
The federal authorities can pretend to push around any paper they like for propaganda purposes, but the history of Texas is that the Confederate troops just went home -- on June 20-21, 1865, mostly without orders. They just decamped from their principal stations and rode home. With their weapons. Except for Jo Shelby and (I think) Kirby Smith, who went to Mexico instead, Shelby's troops in formation and with their colors, which they sank in the Rio Grande so as not to give offense to Mexico.
The People went home.