If I ever become a "damnyankee"(one who moves South and stays), I'm not going to complain about how we did it back up North. I will however complain if things are being done like they are in Detroit or Ann Arbor......
LOL. St. Pete and New Port Richey are damnYankee senior paradise. But parts of Tampa are quite all right. If you think in terms of the real urban and the extreme suburban, I think Tampa's okay. It's the in-between stuff where you've left the city parts and before you get back to Florida that is Noo Yawk lite, the part I hate.
I promise if I ever get to Michigan again, I won't spend any time or money in Ann Arbor, either, though Dominic's Pizza is pretty good, and their sangria jugs are all right. But there ain't any doubt the only time I'll spend anywhere near Detroit is driving away from it at the fastest clip I can.