Hummingbird, I believe they used the 2004 model, because the 2005 series kept disintergrating the transportees. This was caused by the gravity amplifiers generating too, much molecular subproton-density charged alphamegs.
During my discussion with Kralon Kommander Zachanu, he informed me that after and overwhelming consensous by the galactic order. The 2005 series was disbanded due to the enormous loss of transportees and it might offend the left wing Zirondian party.
I do appreciate you superb, sound and enlightening conveyance. This does calrify the model/year of the photoplasma tractor beam used to accomplish this covert Kralon operation in Aruba. aka (Kralon Snatch&Grab)
Well I gotta fled, I heard they were some (Inter-Federal Galctic Thought Police) bearing down on my para-plasmic ecosphere. NSNR