Why would they swing to Republicans if their views are not aligned? That makes no sense.
No. Wrong outlook. You need to look at how political parties are structured in Europe. One is a Liberal party. Another is a far left socialist party. Another one further left toward communism. They join together to create a blocking block. This is in effect what the MSM & the DEMs have done.
They work together because they have the same agenda. But the MSM does not take orders from the Dems. For instance, it is not the DEMS driving this particular story. It is the MSM. The Dems as part of the block of power are being dragged along for the ride, and because they have similiar interests to defeat this administration.
To me, the media as a true opposition party would include skepticism of the agenda of whichever political party was in power. That would be a legitimate function, but would require a diversity of input. I still say MSM+Democratic Party = Democratic Party.