.....it doesn't allow the traditional Constitution based government that was established by the founding fathers to survive in its present form.
It'll be interesting to see how this "North American Community" will recognize the individual right to keep and bear arms. As of right now the one-worlders/gun-grabbers have a big problem -- firearms laws are actually being relaxed in most states, and more Americans than at any time in recent history are securing CCW licenses, fully aware of their 2nd Amendment rights.
A society like the one the CFR goons envision cannot function as intended with a bunch of "vigilante" types running around with "Liberty's teeth" packed on their person. ......And if they think they have a chance in hell of taking away our guns without suffering the consequences individually, their delusions would be dashed in short order.
...If [CFR type] they think they have a chance in hell of taking away our guns without suffering the consequences individually, their delusions would be dashed in short order."
It is only the 2nd Amendment standing squarely in the way of Globalism that will prevent this 'North American Community'from dismantling the U.S. Constitution in leiu of it's own.
Gonna be a very interesting next twenty-five years as elitist so-called "leaders" of both Parties further shred and undermine the Constitution and with it -- U.S. sovereignty -- as they usher in (drumroll please)-- their New World Order.