To: All
It pains me to post this because I know a few Muslims, some for a few years and some for a few decades who simply do not think like this. And though a few of the more recent and decent Muslims I have met are in CAIR leadership, I do not trust that organization at all (sorry, Amr).
15 posted on
07/11/2005 7:19:03 PM PDT by
(†† || Iran Azadi || Kyoto: Split Atoms, not Wood)
To: sionnsar; All
How come the "good" Muslims(which don't exist IMHO) aren't marching in the street demanding we jail the bad guys in their religion? When is that going to happen?..... not any time soon, I'm afraid.
that's why it's hard to take that religion, if that's what it is, seriously.
19 posted on
07/11/2005 7:29:12 PM PDT by
(Time to get rid of the UN and the ACLU and all Mosques in the US,UK.)
To: sionnsar
"decent Muslims"
No such thing exists. If you believe so, you have been fooled by a culture that prides itself in deceit.
28 posted on
07/11/2005 9:12:43 PM PDT by
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