You mean SPENDS, not invests. If we're investing, it sure isn't in manufacturing or R&D like we used to...or should be. And the selling of Treasuries to finance our government's domestic spending, or the housing bubble, is not U.S. investment.
no I mean invests. That is the reason we had a trade deficit for the first 150 years of our existence. as for RD check, we're investing more in RD than at anytime in the past 30 years.
Roads, private investment, airports, infrastructure etc. There is not enough doesmtic savings to fund these projects. So we have to borrow from abroad.
Also we are investing a tremendous amount in manufacturing, that is one main reason so many manufacturing jobs are being lost is because productivity is rising faster than demand.
an example is boeings 787. Boeing cannot raise enough RD developemt funds here, so they must look for foerign investors