LOL!!....John Kerry has trouble undertsanding the Cecil Rhodes vision.
Clinton to Kerry:..."Well ya John.....their all boers and must be put into death camps"
"Its Gold/Diamonds and food/drink to the likes of us John"
"Geez John...your wife is a Zouth hard is this"
"No John...the Zulu's are not making a comeback"
While Chelsea worried about Bush's tax cuts, and traitorrapist42 himself said, "As soon as the second plane hit I knew it was Bin Laden"--begging the question, why then did you not take Bin Laden when Sudan offered him--oh, that's right, it was that legalistic approach which was part and parcel of Jamie Gorelick's Wall between the eevil FBI and the eevil CIA--histoire after the eevil Patriot Act.
Perhaps She Who Must Be Oyveyyed will reach out to another Rhodes Scholar for her oh-eight running mate, Ashley Wilkes, The Man Who Would Have Kicked Off Dubya-Dubya-Three.