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To: summer; Gondring

"I think their right to care for her was superior to him pulling the plug, without any written from Terri."

Let me ask you your thoughts on this..... Michael has a girlfriend and two new kids, but does NOT want to pull the plug. The parents think that because of the infidelity, they should divorce, and they say the Terri would not want to live like that and intend to pull the pull.

Do you still think the parents should be able to force a divorce ? How does your new "right" handle this situation ?

228 posted on 07/09/2005 6:28:07 PM PDT by RS (Just because they are out to get him, it doesn't mean he's not guilty.)
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To: RS
That's an interesting scenario. I do believe the spouse should be given first guardianship in most cases.

The inconsistency that needs to be addressed from the Schiavo case is that Schiavo had limited guardianship because his interests were in question by the court but the court still leaned heavily on his testimony to make their final judgment.

In these special circumstance cases extra consideration should be given to outside testimony.

231 posted on 07/09/2005 7:23:53 PM PDT by Earthdweller (US descendant of French Protestants_"Where there is life, there is hope"..Terri Schindler)
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