The ALA Library: Terrorist SanctuaryACLU Fulfilling Communist AgendaLibrarians For TerrorALA - Guide to the Political LeftLibrarians Covering for Castro
May heaven help the good people of Iraq if the ALA does to them what it's doing to the citizens of the USA. What business is it for librarians to take a position against our government's assistance to the sovereign country of Iraq. The ALA insists on defying the US Supreme Court to continue to push porn on children while defying our government with regard to the war on terror, Iraq, the USA Patriot Act, etc.
Can anyone explain how the ALA continues to defy our government and endanger our children yet we are supposed to take them seriously? Can anyone explain how in towns where no one wants porn pushed on children, the few who do get together, call themselves library boards of trustees, and the citizens do nothing to stop them?
Plan2Succeed Citizen's Group