To: Mycroft Holmes
Without running the numbers I would expect that you would burn more gas powering these than running a standard AC.
As an engineer I find it insulting that the poster seems to think GM has not thought of this and run the numbers. These sound like some clever kids but their quote about gas usage makes it very clear they have no idea how to calculate efficiency.
146 posted on
07/06/2005 11:22:07 AM PDT by
To: TalonDJ
" As an engineer I find it insulting that the poster seems to think GM has not thought of this and run the numbers."See Post 73, I'm sure that this was not the first time this was reviewed.
To: TalonDJ
I suspect the real interest in this system is its promise of being able to do away with the freon compnent of cooling. It's an environmental issue and you can expect environmentalists to make erroneous claims all day long if it serves their purpose
154 posted on
07/06/2005 11:27:24 AM PDT by
(No, I never voted for Bill Clinton. I don't plan on voting Republican again!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson