Does anyone know if Time was in anyway legally preventd from making public all the documents it turned over.
Even though TIME was ordered to turn the docs over for the grand jury (and assuming the docs would stay sealed), they probably have no desire to make them public for the same reason they did not want to turn them over in the first place: to maintain source confidentiality. So even if no legal reason, they would probably hold them back anyway.
I don't know the absolute corrrect answer, but how could TIME or Matt Cooper have been legally compelled to keep the documents, or the information, secret? (And according to Lawrence O'Donnell, they didn't. O'Donnell said he knew Rove was Cooper's could he have known if Cooper didn't disclose it to him? I would think it would infuriate Fitzgerald if Cooper has made information public (via O'Donnell), that he refused to turn over to the grand jury.
I'm not the resident expert on all this, but today Rush opened his show by saying he knows Rove wasn't the source. Rush said common sense tells you that if Rove were Cooper's source, democrats would have used that information against Bush in the 2004 election.