If some "tenant" Starts cooking methamphetmine in your rental house, you may as well burn it down, because you will never be able to rent it out again unless you tear every wall out and re -insulate and drywall the entire place.
Those "how to be your own millionare" shows where they tell you the glory's of investing in rental properties never tell you the downside of the business. It can cause you to go find a second job to pay for all the repairs a couple bad tenants can cause. You are better off to fix and sell, but even then the law varies from state to state on how many homes you can 'flip' a year without getting a realestate brokers licience.
Are you referring to the smell of meth? I've heard that people who produce meth keep lots of feral cats around because the smell of cat urine is just like the smell of meth. Don't know if that's the case but it wouldn't surprise me.
Another downside to being a landlord is if your rental property becomes a coyote holding tank for illegals smuggled into the country. Seen that happen in this city many times.