That is the dumbest statement I have heard all day.
They extract money at the point of a gun, and spend it taking care of the dimwits who get AIDS and other assorted maladies.
If you don't pay taxes, you go to jail. That translates to "has to" contribute to the care of dimwits.
That is the dumbest statement I have heard all day.
They extract money at the point of a gun, and spend it taking care of the dimwits who get AIDS and other assorted maladies.
If you don't pay taxes, you go to jail. That translates to "has to" contribute to the care of dimwits.
It is your interpretation that is "dumb" not my statement. True, we do HAVE to pay taxes. True, some of those monies are spent on irresponsible ne'er-do-wells. But we, as a society, don't HAVE to do that.
We do it because it gives some politicians the opportunity to buy votes. We do it because some with very loud voices, amplified by a friendly press, believe it is "compassionate" of them to partially enslave me (and you) by consigning us part-time jobs (or more accurately by assigning part of the time I work for my employer by taking that effort in the form of taxes) caring for those for whom they feel compassion.
We do it because some want power over others. We do it because some think their "good" ideas are so compelling that all of us should be forced to behave as they'd like -- a manifestation of an overinflated ego.
The "compassionate" crowd is aided and abetted, generally cheerfully, sometimes staunchly, by those who would tell us they are conservatives and lovers of liberty.
I find it outrageous that conservatives would pimp an argument like, because our taxes get used to partially or fully fund emergency room visits for idiots who ride their motorcycles without protective gear we should make and enforce helmet laws rather than repeal those those taxes.
I dislike stupidity as much as the next guy but I know I can't stop it. To be perfectly honest, I'll even admit to lapses myself. But I resent like hell being held responsible for somebody else's dumb behavior and I get held responsible in two ways.
First, I'm held responsible but the compassionate crowd when they forcibly take my money for their socialist schemes.
Second, I'm held responsible by having my liberty curtailed by various bands of "ban everything I disapprove of" wingnut groups through convoluted arguments like, "Hey man, I gotta pay for your screw-ups so I demand that everybody that I gotta pay for get arrested.
It's a lose-lose proposition. Lose my liberty when they take my money AND lose my liberty when they curtail my behavior.
Liberty is a two-headed coin. It implies both freedom and responsibility.
Anybody who pawns his responsibility off onto another is diminisher of and therefore, an enemy of liberty. Anybody who proposes that the proper response to irresponsibility is the curtailment of liberty is an equal enemy.
Bottom line, any true lover of liberty would first-most and always attack the wrongheaded taxes and never, no matter how tempting to their own personal sensibilities, support the curtailers.