"The reason marriage is waning is the women's movement. The traditional family structure is just not compatible with a society in which every woman works in the market place."
Agreed. And unfortunately the same men who are whining about women stepping out of traditional roles are the same men forcing their wives out in to the workforce, even when it isn't a financial necessity. (And they complain that women "want it all".)
You are right, many men want their wives to work. Look at comments here on FR. Some complain bitterly about their ex's not working or only working part-time. And some of the younger guys claim they only want to marry someone who has a career, e.g., lawyer, doctor, so they won't have to pay alimony. Let's not even think about those who want to buy their wives in Russia and the Phillipines. LOL
Do you really think your wishing this were true has anything to do with objective reality?
I thought one had to go to DU to find this level of self delusion.